Al seguente link è disponibile il calendario 2016 delle attività di informazione riguardante competenze trasferibili rivolta ai dottorandi di ricerca dell'Ateneo di Modena e Reggio Emilia, che giunge alla sua sesta edizione.
November 21, 2016, h 14.00 Understanding the role of the RNA-binding protein Tristetraprolin in immune homeostasis Dr. Stanislas Goriely, MD (Institute for Medical Immunology,Université Libre de Bruxelles -ULB-, Belgium) Room L1.3 (Room E), building MO17, Via Campi 213/A To download the flyer click here.
October 26, 2016, h 15.00 Atypical heterochromatin controls telomere recombination Dr. Jerome Dejardin (Institute of Human Genetics, Montpellier, France) Room N0.1 (Room 1 BSI), MO19 building, via Campi 213/C To download the flyer click here.
Each year the School in Molecular and Regenerative Medicine offers courses that are taught by faculty and national/international scientists who are acknowledged experts in their fields. The courses provide opportunities for discussion and the exchange of ideas. Download the 2016-2017 PhD Course Schedule.
PRIMER ON PROTEIN CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND ITS APPLICATION TO HEALTH-RELEVANT SYSTEMS Dr. Emilio Parisini Center for Nano Science and Technology - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Milano Prof. Andrea Mattevi Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie - Università di Pavia
The National Ph.D Meeting, organised by the ABCD, will be held in Salerno, from 7 to 9 April 2016. The programme includes oral communications, thematic poster sessions, two Keynote Lectures delivered by Gabriella Minchiotti from Naples and Letizia Lanzetti from Turin and a Lecture on Emerging Technologies about ORGANOIDS and STEM CELLS by Stefano Piccolo. Students play a fundamental role both in the meeting organisation and its scientific content. The Ph.D. Student Committee will be fully responsible for the selection of oral communications from the submitted abstracts and for chairing all sessions. Registrations and abstract submissions are accepted exclusively through this website and will be possible until 22 February 2016. ABCD and SIBBM members will benefit from reduced registration fees. Further information can be found on the official website