Friday, 18 December 2015 Department of Physics, Informatics and Mathematics L1.6, ex room B (1st floor) Via Campi 213/A - Modena To download the program click here.
This event will bring together scientists from across the world and will offer an invaluable opportunity to discuss scientific issues in the fields of cell biology and differentiation. The 2015 edition of the ABCD Congress features a range of eminent speakers, including Nobel laureate Randy Schekman and many others: check out the programme available online The deadline for abstract submissions to the ABCD Congress is next Friday, 3 July 2015. You are strongly encouraged to register and submit your own work for the selected oral and poster presentations.
June 5, 2015 (2.30 PM) CMR- Centro Medicina Rigenerativa "Vaccini innovativi basati su vettori adeno virali: dalla ricerca alla clinica" Dr. Stefano Colloca Senior Director Vector Development and co-founder of the company Okairos To download the flyer click here.
Lessons: April 15, 2015 - 17.15 Daniela Mangione April 22, 2015 - 17.15 Matteo Cavani April 29, 2015 - 17.15 Michele De Luca May 6, 2015 - 17.15 Federivo Valenzano May 13, 2015 - 17.15 Maria Giovanni Ruberto Students are required to register (deadline April 14, 2015). To download the flyer and for attendance rules click here. For information please contact Dr. Lorenzo Ferrante (, 059/421225).
PhD Dissertation (XXVII cycle) Tuesday, April 14, 2015 (9.00 AM) Morphological Sciences and Forensic Medicine, Room Q0.1 To download the program click here
Mercoledì 18 Marzo 2015 si svolgerà la prima edizione di MOREJobs- Career Day UNIMORE 2015. All'evento, che si terrà presso la sede organizzatrice del Dipartimento di Ingegneria Enzo Ferrari DIEF, parteciperanno tutti i Dipartimenti dell'Ateneo. Tutte le informazioni ed i form sono reperibili al link
March 5, 2015 (16 PM) Centro Servizi (Medicina) Aula CS1.4 - P04 "Engineered Cellular Grafts To Instruct Regenerative Processes". Prof. Ivan Martin,Department of Biomedicine and Department of Surgery University Hospital Basel - Switzerland To download the flyer click here.
February 4, 2015 (3 PM) Aula T01, Centro Servizi Medicina Uso di cellule staminali mesenchimali da polpa dentaria per la rigenerazione ossea. February 5, 2015 (4 PM) Aula P04, Centro Servizi Medicina Strategie cellulari e molecolari per lo studio e lapplicazione terapeutica di cellule staminali . Prof. Gianpaolo Papaccio To download the flyer click here.
The admission ranking for the XXXI cycle PhD program in Molecular and Regenerative Medicine is now available at